I remember my first social media account. It was AOL’s instant messenger- AIM. Thinking back on it, I was too young to be on the site but AIM + my sidekick was the holy grail of my adolescent life. I transitioned from AIM to MySpace and spent most of my time between the two. I’dContinue reading “SOCIAL MEDIA: THE GOOD. THE BAD. THE EVIL?”

Shadow Banning on Social Media

What is Shadow Banning? Do you believe in ghosts? Well, some social media platforms don’t and they express it through Shadow Banning. When someone is Shadow Banned, their posts and comments are made invisible to others. The goal of Shadow Banning is to “police disruptive participants.” This is an alternative to disabling someone’s account asContinue reading “Shadow Banning on Social Media”

Fashion Nova: A Success in the Digital Fashion World

To wrap up the semester, I’ve been working on a case study about how Fashion Nova uses social media marketing to be the successful brand it is today. I was able to research the different methods the brand uses to promote products, encourage site engagement and generate publicity. A couple of weeks ago, I tookContinue reading “Fashion Nova: A Success in the Digital Fashion World”

The Bigger the Platform, The Bigger the Problem

This week we spent time talking about crisis communication. Crisis communication is “designed to protect and defend an individual, company, or organization facing a public challenge to its reputation.” We see crisis communication on social media where the “cancel culture” is quick to reprimand anyone for saying and/or doing the wrong thing. The idea ofContinue reading “The Bigger the Platform, The Bigger the Problem”

Deepfakes: What Has This World Come To?

Deepfakes are false audio recordings and videos that manipulates a real person’s face and mannerism to create a fake video with fake images, speech and sound. They look like the real, but they aren’t. Deepfakes have raised many concerns, especially when it comes to public knowledge. One skillfully crafted video can lead to uncontrollable amountContinue reading “Deepfakes: What Has This World Come To?”

Big Data & Fashion Nova: What Role Does It Play In My Case Study?

Last week, we spoke about big data and how it goes beyond just one piece of information. Big data is huge and grows with time. These large sets of data can be arranged and interrogated by us, the consumers, to identify patterns and make decisions based on the data. According to Professor Glover, patterns andContinue reading “Big Data & Fashion Nova: What Role Does It Play In My Case Study?”

Misinformation: How Did We Do During Election Week?

Whew, let me just start by saying what a week! My anxiety has definitely been through the roof this past election week. Between delayed results and misinformation, I found myself confused and at times losing hope in this race. I had to unplug myself from social media and really direct all of my attention toContinue reading “Misinformation: How Did We Do During Election Week?”

Digital Divide and COVID-19: NYC Residents Struggle with Remote Learning Due to Digital & Economic Disparities

The Problem Digital Divide represents the growing gap between the portion of society that does not have access to internet based technology and the portion that does. When COVID-19 hit, many struggles were brought to light within my community in the Bronx, NY. Amongst these struggles was the lack of digital resources some families had.Continue reading “Digital Divide and COVID-19: NYC Residents Struggle with Remote Learning Due to Digital & Economic Disparities”

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